The mean girl refused to take a picture of it and said I couldn't blog about it (she's in the shower right now - try to stop me!!!). Since the buttons on the camera are too small for me to use, I'll just have to describe it. My poop was bright green with little red bits in it.
I think the green came from the trees on the lollipops I ate. I stole BLU's and ate them both, so I got extra color. Each poop came out hot, steamy, and completely green.

What no picture? How awful of that girl to not let you take a picture. Great description though
You are enjoying so much these holidays that even your poop is christmassy?? That is cool!
Have a nice day
Bummer! We wanted to see a picture! We've never had festive poop before!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
poop :P
Cool!!!! You are definitely in the howliday spirit!
That is a stain to be QUITE proud of my friend!!! BRAVO!
oh...tat's a news...we really wanna c d christmas poop...
can u poop it again...n make sure d camera is around
Come on, come all...
To the Corgi Lounge New Year's Eve into the New Year!
(sleepovers welcome)
How talented are you - I don't think I've ever heard of Christmas poop before!
Aww, I'd love to see what your poop looked like! Can't you dig the rubbish bin & find it? I'm sure is in one of the plastic bags.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
wowie! that sounds amazing! like a work of art!
I loved your card too!! It was the first one we got. That's pretty exciting about your poo, Santa Paws would be proud.
wow! christmas poop! we can almost smell it from here. we sure would like to see a picture of that. it sounds sooooo cooool. you're amazing.
Ohhh, Christmas poop! Interesting!! Glad you received my card! :D
A chirstmas poop ? hehehe .... any new year poop ? :P
Happy 2008 to you :)
May you have lots of treats, toys, fun and love in 2008
Damn, I'd have wanted to see some green + red poop! PS : It's ok..have u decided how your new year's day poop is going to be?Happy New Year!! :)
He he he! You made Christmas poop! I guess mine was more St. Patricks Day poop, all green. Should have eaten a red card like you, and I would have been even more festive!
Happy New Year!
Your pal,
Haa xmas poop. That must be so interesting!
~ Girl girl
HA ROOO! Green and Red Poop just in time for Christmas!!!
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