Thursday, December 27, 2007

RIP Elephant and Moose

elephant and moose
found beneath our Christmas tree
so soft and squeaky

playing and ripping
soft bodies gutted and torn
they will squeak no more


Hana said...

Oh my, poor elephant and moose! May they have a good life at the stuffies rainbow bridge.

Joe Stains said...

It is always so sad when they die in the line of duty!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear those poor little stuffies - have the humans rushed out to replace them yet?


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear poor stuffies. I hope their replacement get to you soon

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, you both did a pawsome job! There's really no more bones or flesh left in them... I hope they did not have a very painful death. Hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

How sad! And they were so cute too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

They gave their lives for a noble cause.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
I really can't believe how fast you are destuffing your toys! Sure you had fun with them during their short life.
Have a good night

Ben & Darling said...

happy New year !!

Ivy said...

tee hee! i think that is wut makes stuffies truly fulfilled. dont worry too much about destroying them - that is wut they were made for!

i luved all the cards you got too! that is totally pawsome and amazing! i keep telling my peepol that we need to do the dog card exchange but they never listen to me. *sigh*

luv ivy

Sam I Am said...

Always keep a spare of little stuffies.Hide them if you have to..Wishing you a Happy New Years in 2008.Wishing you get all the dog treats that you bark for ..woof -woof

Lot's of Lick's

Anonymous said...

WOW those two really did bite the dust!