At least Liz came and stayed with us. We like Liz. We get greenies every night when Liz visits. The girl was gone for a long time. She didn't come home until late Sunday night.

Then to top it off, the girl claimed that she ran into my twin while she was out of town.

I don't know what BLU is complaining about. You should see the picture the girl took of "my twin".
Here I am, enjoying a quick romp in the yard. Notice how handsome I am. Look at how bright and white I am.

I found out where the girl went and saw these ugly inferior copies of us. She went to a place called Yellowstone.
She didn't have to leave. If I knew she wanted to see Yellowstone, I could have made that happen. Just because I usually make Yellowtrees doesn't mean I couldn't switch. We have plenty of stones in the yard that I could make yellow for her.
Hey guys,
Your girl sure travels alot! Issit for work or pleasure? Cos regardless of which it was, that wasn't right.
I saw your comment on my blog..I don't really know how to react and play with the other doggies...Mom says I'm very laidback..i just wanna watch and do my own thing.
Most of the time she travels for work. Only part of this last trip was for work. Instead of coming home Friday night like she was supposed to, she decided neglect us and stay away for the weekend too.
yellowstone? what do they have there a bunch of water that shoots out of the ground and some dumb animals??? I would much rather hang out with you guys!
Aw.. I hope your girl comes back home to you 2 soon. The 2 fake you aren't as cute as the original you
~ girl girl
Your gal will be back reallll soon :)
Hi, friends.
So sad your girl is going away again! But I am sure Liz will take good care of you two.
Have a good week
Ok you two... I am sure you could have fit inside that luggage? you ought to try it next time ;)
another trip??? again???
Ok, Blu & Comet. This is what you should do....1st choice:chew on that luggage bag, 2nd choice:sneak into the bag, 3rd: pack your thing & come over to my place...
Your girl is always taking off, shrugging her responsibilities as a guardian!! I hope she brought you back some treats! If not, next time you should pee in her black bag.
Hey hey, your girl should do as Hershey's Mom did and tell us about herself! Curious minds wanna know!
By the way, your eskie.net pals have asked where you've been!
Wow.. your girl travels a lot!! How abt replacing her black box with a yellow one? That might stop her from travelling for a while!
Yes, maybe just crawl inside one of those boxes next time... go along for the ride!
hey...BLU really did look similar to that intruder...
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