Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What goes up, must come down.

This is our house.
This is what the girl usually sees when she comes home from work.
This is what she saw when she came home tonight.
She wasn't happy.
Do you know why?
We don't!


Lorenza said...

Are you saying that someone was playing with the curtains??
I hope you had a good alibi!
Kisses and hugs

Lizzy said...

Comet, BLU!

Uh oh. Did someone break in or something? The curtains look different!


bunch o'mutts said...

oh, so the curtains went down. Good job buddies. Doggies need that kind of exercise, your girl should understand.

Bunch o'mutts

Kodak the Eskie said...

Did someone open the curtains? Or were they pulled down? I think I see who did it!!

Hugs, Kodak

Dandy Duke said...

Did someone get tangled in the curtains and yank them down?

Love ya los<
Maggie and Mitch

Murphey said...

Umm, who came in and tore down those curtains, cause we know it wasn't you guys!


Islay said...

That's a really cute picture of two little eyes in the dark. Gee, humans just don't appreciate when yo're trying to help them out!

licks & slobbers

Isis said...

ohhhh nooo! did someone break in and steal your curtains while you were sleeping! that must be it, you couldn't have had anything to do with that. Either that or you had tesla over and she ATE them.

Amber-Mae said...

Whose flashing eyes are those starring out the window join the last picture? Hehe! Obviously someone or somedog or somevermin did it...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

BLU and Comet, your eyes are too bright in the darkness... they tell everything...

Angel & SnowWhite

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We see the eyes and the missing curtain. So you had a little fun while mom was away!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Niamh said...

Oh dear, the curtain fell down all by itself. Bad curtain!

Your friend,

A&S said...

uh-oh we see your eyes in the window! you must have been worried about the girl and looking for her to come home! she should be proud of you for watching out for her! what curtains?

Peanut said...

hahahahaha I've done that before. My mom wasn't happy either

Deefor said...

I hope that curtain didn't attack you. Of course you had to defend yourself!


cookie said...

OMD. Someone broke in and stole the curtains!! I hope you were able to hide while they took them....those crooks can be very bad.......

Keep a low profile for awhile, she will forget.
Cookie and crew