Thursday, November 29, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

The girl hasn't put up our tree yet, so I thought I would get her in the holiday mood by making snow. Do you know how much work it is to make snow in Phoenix? I'm exhausted.

ps. we received 4 more cards today. We received a card from Niko and Bentley that was drawn by their very talented mom. We also received cards from Randi, Cairo, and Hana. Hana was wearing one of the beautiful ribbon necklaces that her mom makes.


Joe Stains said...

we got your card too, we will be posting about our cards we got this weekend.

greeeat job on the snow, you didnt make enough to get to our house though!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's an awful lot of snow!!


Duke said...

We never tried to make snow before! Could you please send us the recipe?
Thanks in advance.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Oh yes I'd like the recipe for snow also. I don't think we are going to get any here in Louisiana

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i received ur card today

thank u so much

Harry said...

Hello Comet and Blu, thanks awfully for the lovely card! We are pleased to have two beautiful new pals!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Cassidy x

Lenny said...

Nice work on that snow - you do look tired! How do you keep it from melting?

Your friend, Lenny

Hana said...

Wow, BLU and Comet, you 2 sure are pawpular! Seems your card is the 1st one received by everyone!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hehehe... I hope your girl's got the hint to put the tree up this weekend!

Boo Casanova said...

hey you two, it's my fault, seriously, for purposely left dopey's name out of the address. well, not all of you know much about him... u all just need to know HE'S A COW, that's it! LOL

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Good job! Sure making snow is exhausting!
Did your girl get the message?
Have a good night

T-man Angel said...

Ooh Comet, I love to make snow all year long!! My mom doesn't care for it, either outside or inside **sigh** Moms can be so boring!

By the way, thanks for your beautiful card! We love your smiling faces :)


Ricky Pepper said...

Hi guys! We got your card today and we scanned it into our blog, tee-hee. Mommy just loved it! Thank you so very much and Happy Kiss-Moose to you!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey guys!
I know I know..what a tough job to be in charge of the snow! Let it SNOW! Woo hoo!

Isis said...

wow thats great snow! I think you should make some for me! I dont know when it's gonna snow here... and i really want to play in it!

Randi said...

Hi Comet & Blu!

Thank you so much for your fantastic card! I LOVE IT!

I like the snow on the carpet too...sometime we have snowstorms in our living room too...

Love & Licks,

Anonymous said...

Oh my dog! That is alot of snow Comet. Are you going to tell us where exactly it came from? ha roo roo roooo!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi ya Comet & Blu nice 2 meet U &d thank U so much! U were R 2nd card! Wow ya'll worked real hard & they R purdy. we put ya'll up on R bloggie. Love your bloggie, we'll sniff back by again k?

Can U send some snow R way? R gammie is in Tucson & she wants some 2!

Lots of Love Licks new friendzees
waggin TX tails & barking loud