Friday, January 26, 2007

The girl was sick

I feel bad that I was so mad at my girl in my last post. On Wednesday, she came home from work early. I was hoping she was going to take us out somewhere fun. Instead, she spent the rest of the day in the bathroom making gross noises or sleeping. A few times, I didn't know what she was doing. Usually she sits on the white water bowl in the bathroom, but she was kneeling in front of it the several times that I went in to check on her. She usually yells at BLU for drinking out of it, so I don't think she was drinking.

Every time she came out of the bathroom, she would go to sleep on the couch. She usually doesn't sleep on the couch, so every couple of hours, I would jump up and put my nose to her nose, just to make sure she was still breathing. She would wake up, pet me, and go back to sleep. A few times, her stomach was making noises that were really really scary and I barked at it.

Yesterday, she didn't seem much better. She turned the heater so hot that I was panting, but she kept putting on more clothes and blankets. She spent most of the day in bed, which wasn't very fun for me and BLU. Every now and then, one of us would hop on the bed to make sure she was ok.

Today, she seemed a little better. She got out of bed and actually sat on the couch for a while. She ate a little bit of food, but nothing good - just dry yucky crackers. She made a few noodles for dinner tonight, but no sauce. Doesn't she know that the sauce is the best part? Who wants plain noodles? That wasn't even worth begging for!

I hope my girl feels better soon. I miss playing with her and getting yummy food.


Anonymous said...

I think my Dad has the same thing ... except he's sitting on the water bowl and making the air smell bad. Really, really bad! I've tried to hop in his lap to comfort him but he doesn't seem too receptive right now. He's a big old grump! I hope your Mom feels better soon. Maybe you should share your kibble with her .. that's dry like crackers!

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hope your girl feels better soon.

Hey, I thought you were coming to visit me (I've written about it at my smelly blogplace).

Never mind.

Another time - when your girl gets better!

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Joe Stains said...

uh oh! that sounds bad!! if you guys need some emergency food brought in, let us know we will be right over. we have lots of sauce!

Huskee's Maid said...

So sorry to hear that ur girl is feeling under the weather. Hope she feels better soon. Meanwhile, both of you must shower her with lots of wet licks and warm cuddles!

Loui (and his mum!) said...

Oooh my mum was like that recently! I don't think our humans are very well when they get like that are they? I also sat on the bed with mum and tried to make her feel better but she kept running off that other room and making those funny noises too! Hope your girl is better soon.

Loui xx