Monday, October 22, 2007

Top secret mission

I had class again tonight. Walking into Petsmart tonight, I remembered Sara (and her "mom") from our class. She wanted to say hello, so I actually let her sniff my nose. I didn't like it when she went to sniff my bottom, and my girl moved me right along and out of the way. Then, once class was about to start, I decided I wanted to sniff Heidi - the great dane. All was going well until she stuck out her GIANT tongue to lick me. That scared me and my girl called me back to her. I hid under her chair for a while after that.

There was a new dog in class tonight. It was a German shepherd mix puppy. He was really annoying. He kept trying to play while the rest of us were trying to pay attention. Today we learned to stay (which I already knew) and a new command - NOW! I don't know the difference between NOW! and come - other then the girl gave me much better treats for NOW!

After class was over, the girl took me on a top secret mission. I got to pick out a toy. But not for me. It's a secret gift.



Hana said...

Oh, you got to pick out a toy? Is it a surprise for BLU? I don't know the NOW command. Can I use it on my Mom? "Mom, feed me NOW!"

Anonymous said...

I know the NOW command .. kind of ... it goes with the COME command when Mom is mad, hee hee. Is the present for me? My birthday is next month!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh picking a toy for secret mission. That sounds really fun.
Do you like your classmates Comet?

~ Girl girl

Lorenza said...

Hi, Comet
Sounds that you have very interesting classmates!!
Secret mission?? I want to know!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

a SECRET gift, how cool! glad you are learning stuff, I need to treat my Mom the trick NOW I will just yell it at her and she can give me a treat!

Hana said...

Hey you two, another new eskie blog! Clive! His momma visits the eskie board once in a while.

Casper and pals said...

The top secret mission sounds interesting. Tell us more!

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hi Comet!
Who is the toy for? Could it be for Blu? How fun!!
Thanks for sharing in Clive's blog!

Mojo said...

Wow! A secret mission?! Cool! My birthday is also next month.. hehe!

Your class sounds fun! My mom wants to take me to something like that. Although, whenever mommy says "NOW!", I've learned that it means get to her feet as fast as you can!!

ChaChi Lu said...

Oh! You are so SMART! I never even heard of the command "NOW"!

~ChaChi LU

Urban Smoothie Read said...

it is something new to me too... i never heard of the NOW command...

Joe Stains said...

NOW....what? hm, sounds silly. but most of the stuff the humans do is silly. I can't wait to find out about your secret mission!