Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hey Mister, throw us some beads!

We found out where our girl went on her last trip. It was to New Orleans. She was there at the start of the Mardi Gras season and even saw a parade. She has pictures on her blog.

I guess she was in a Mardi Gras mood, because she made us special Mardi Gras necklaces. She knows I am way too masculine to wear a necklace, yet she makes me wear one anyway. After she got home, she made a trip to Petsmart and bought us Mardi Gras colored string balls to play with. I'm not sure what she was thinking with the string balls. Does she think we are cats? Yummmm..... cats!

I'm not quite convinced that the girl made the necklaces just for Mardi Gras. I think she celebrates Mardi Gras year round. As I was running around the living room, I noticed that our favorite chair to sleep in was also purple green and gold. And the couch was purple. And the other chair was green.

I think the girl made these necklaces for us to match the furniture! I sure hope she doesn't plan to sit on us!


Joe Stains said...

we have some of those string balls, they are really good for shredding and making giant messes!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow!! seeems like both of them are having a vacation @ hawaii...

Hana said...

I think you two look adorable! I love the colors. You see, purple is one of my favorite colors, well, at least that's what my mom tells me.

Is Comet's necklace shiny? But, BLU's has the little edging? Now that you two have mardi gras necklaces, you should have some FUN!

Hana said...

Ok, I take back what I said about Comet's neclace being shiny. When I looked at the picture taken outside, I could see they are the same pattern of ribbons.

You guys rule! So dashing and beautiful! By the way, it sure looks like your girl used plenty of ribbon! Love it! Take a stroll outside and I bet heads will turn.

Bruce the Bird Dog said...

Thanks for sniffins round my place! There are tons of trees in Washington and I feel it necessary to sniff everyone of them. You guys are too cute with your necklaces...

Deanna said...

You look so pretty...errr...I mean...handsome in those cute ribbon collars. I love the colors, too!

Fu Fu said...

Cool, I love the Mardi Gras necklaces. BLU, I hope nobody mistake you for a sofa and sit on you

~ fufu

Anonymous said...

Wow - color coordinated with the furniture .. that's a new one ...

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hee hee hee,

verrrrry attractive.

Now all you need is your own float.

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

Boo Casanova said...

hey comet & BLU,

aren't you two celebrate the big V day?? where's your V message?

wet wet licks


L said...

Joey, you will have to teach us how to shred the string balls. We shred the tug of war strings but these balls confuse us.

Paco, the ribbons kind of do look festive like we should be in Hawaii. Don't give the girl ideas or she will make us wear grass skirts!

Hana, we aren't keen on purple, but it is one of the girl's favorite colors. You are very observant about our ribbons. The girl actually had 2 kinds of each color - one that was shiny and one that had fancy edges.

Fufu, Zach and Tintin - The girl sometimes uses us as pillows, but so far she hasn't sat on us. I hope she doesn't start doing that! We like the idea of having our own float. Maybe we could use the couch as our float.

Boo, I hope we get to do something special for Valentine's day. So far the girl hasn't done anything - not even got us a card or candy. Hopefully she will surprise us tomorrow, otherwise we will have to give her a special gift.

A&S said...

you look very nice in your new necklaces! we hope the girl doesn't sit on you, though!!

Wired for Mackie said...

Happy Valentine's Day Comet and Blu!

Your pal, Mackie

Bogart H. Devil said...

Happy Valentines Day Comet & Blu!!!!!

Love the beads, they really bring out your eyes...
