Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hard Labor

We've had a really big pile of dirt in the driveway since the girl had the new fence put in.
It's hard to tell how big it is, but I'm standing on top of it.

The girl moved most of the dirt into the back yard where she wants to make the patio. Look at all this dirt. It would be so fun to dig in!

Now the pile of dirt is much much smaller!
Let's get this patio done so we don't have to hear about it anymore. I'm all ready to pound the stakes in.
And now we can compact the dirt. I think I will let the girl and her friend Tony do that, since the machine makes really loud scary noises.
Hurry up! Let's get these bricks down.
I need to watch carefully, so they don't block the entrance to my underground city.

The entrance to the city is still open. Lets compress these bricks again!
The bricks are in. The edgers are in. The city entrance is still open! Good job!
Hmmm. This new patio is kind of nice. It's shady in the late afternoon.

The girl thinks she still needs to get a few more tons of gravel, but we think it looks pretty good. Now, where's a cold drink and a comfy chair? We're ready to lounge around on our new patio.


Isis said...

o0o0o0o0o thats going to be wonderful when it's warm out and shady, because you can cool off on that nice patio!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Blue and Comet!
I can see your girl has been working very hard to finish the new patio!
I think it deserves a celebration!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy Bear said...

Wow, what a lot of work. Everything looks great and you guys are doing a great job supervising. I look forward to seeing photos of you guys in lounge chairs.:)

Teddy Bear

Duke said...

We can tell your girl has been working her hiney off! It looks beautiful! That tall drink is going to taste very refreshing while you're relaxing on your lounge chair!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

BenTheRotti said...

Wow that sounds like a lot of hard work!!

Looks great though :)

Ben xxx

Joe Stains said...

it looks fabulous! enjoy it now before it gets too darn hot.

Amber-Mae said...

I think it looks quite nice!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Husky in the Window said...

Great jot to your girl!!! Very neat and you'all will surely enjoy it. I"m glad you still have access to your underground city.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Niamh said...

Nice new patio Comet and BLU! I bet you were a big help to your girl getting all that work done. Maybe you can have a party on the patio.

Your friend,

The Florida Furkids said...

What a nice patio! Your girl did a great job.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Rambo said...

That's alot of work you doggies did.'s time for the lounge chair and a cold beer.....he he.

White Dog Blog said...

The patio turned out nicely and you will appreciate it especially when it is hot this summer! The girl and her friend did a fine job to make a comfy lounging/party space...hope it gets lots of enjoyment.

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Yur patio looks really good - yur hard work paid off in helping yur girl! Can't wait to see it when it is all done!

-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-

Bae Bae said...

That looks very nice and a cool place to hang out

~ Bae

Suzuki said...

Hello there :)
It's furry nice to meet you. I came across your blog through Paw It Forward. Stop by my blog sometime, I like to make new friends.
Big licks to you

Eduardo said...

It looks fantastic! Now invite us over so we can PAWTAY!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle