Saturday, September 06, 2008

Welcome Home

The girl abandoned us again.
For two whole weeks!!
(that's why we haven't been able to visit our friends in so long)
She is supposed to come home from her vacation today.
I'll be happy when she walks in the door. I thought I would get her this lovely gift.
Do you think she will like it?

Do you think she will remember to bring me anything?


Duke said...

Our mom wouldn't be thrilled to come home to that! Hurry up and hide it and give her lots of hugs and kisses instead! She'll like those much better!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Errr-ah-huh-hmmmm...Not sure about that little dead bird. I have this funny feeling in mah head that your Mom is gonna squeal like crazee. I know my hoomans would not be that thrilled either...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Casper and pals said...

Were thinking your Momma may not be to thrilled about her "welcome home " gift!

Joe Stains said...

How thoughtful!! I think she will just love it!!

Lorenza said...

Nope! I am not so sure she will love your present!
Let us know what her reaction was like, ok?
Kisses and hugs

Niamh said...

As a bird dog, I'd love to receive that as a gift but somehow I doubt that humans will have the same reaction.

I'd be afraid that once she sees your "welcome home" gift that your girl will leave you for another 2 weeks!!

Your friend,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

oh gosh... poor lil chick..

maybe u shld dig up a hole and hv it buried

Kirby said...

Now, I would love a gft like that, but I know that my Mom wouldn't. I've tried it and the results weren't so good. Apparently the hoomans don't like dead things like we do. Don't know why that is.

Your pal,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

err.... I dont think your girl will like that gift.. But I hope she got you something that you like. :)

~ Girl girl

Murphey said...

Oh boy, we left one of those for the lady (after I made some "adjustments") and she was NOT happy...

I don't get it!


Isis said...

What a great gift! I'm sure she'll LOVE it!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ermmm.. uhhhh... ehhh... I am not sure if your girl will be happy to see the dead birdie, though I am sure that she'll be happy to see you guys!! I suggest you hide the dead birdie before you give her a heart-attack..

Kodak the Eskie said...

That's the perfect gift for mommy when she leaves you for 2 weeks! I think she will get to see how happy you are that she left!

Hugs, Kodak

Deetz said...

Does it squeek? She would probably like it much better if it squeeked. I know I would. But, a gift is a gift and she will be thrilled.

The Husky in the Window said...

On my dogness! You are something else. I bet your mom was sooooo happy.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

Deefor said...

You are so sweet. I know your mom will love her gift. (If not send it to me)
