Sunday, December 09, 2007

Can you feel the love?

Need we say more?


Amber-Mae said...

Awww, adorable! I do that alot too with my sista Chloe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Peanut said...

you guys look like you are having fun

Joe Stains said...

well you have to do something to stay warm, it is doggone cold and miserable around here! I am making mom cook something in the oven to warm this place up!

Lorenza said...

Yes, I can see how much you two love each other!
Have a nice day

Hana said...

Heehee, those should go in the funny picture category on the board!

Duke said...

Mitch and I do the very same thing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Luckie Girl said...

That gives a whole new meaning to LOVE bites. hahaha..

Kirby said...

You two are so cute!

Your pal,

2shibas said...

BOL! We "show love" the same way! : )

Wiley & Fievel

Ben & Darling said...

Wow, you guys sure love each other so much!! and thanks for the card!!! Its beautiful!!

Hammer said...

Hi Comet and BLU
I can certainly relate to your photos. This is what my sister, Rose does to Hobson and me. Thank you for your bootiful Christmas card. You both look so happy in your Christmas photo. We hope you receive our Christmas card very soon. We've had a ruff year in 2007 but mum has promised me she will spend more time in 2008 helping me visit my DWB friends.
Love from Hammer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee, are you doggies playing bitey face? It looks like BLU was going to kiss you Comet

~ Girl girl

Xsara and Tani said...

This is really cute!

ChaChi Lu said...


~Chachi Lu and JET

Urban Smoothie Read said...

~can u feel the love tonite~

i shld really ask my ms owner to get me a pure white mate too...

Lenny said...

Bitey face or Kissie face? Which is more fun?

Your friend, Lenny

Anonymous said...

WOOO KISSES! However, do I see a bit of a snarl coming on, Comet?
