Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day naps

Because we work soooooo hard during the rest of the year, we used Labor Day to rest. Here are a few of our favorite napping places. We hope our US friends enjoyed their Labor Day holiday.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Blue and Comet
I know you work very hard during the year so you deserved to rest this Labor Day.Glad you enjoyed it!
Have a nice day

Joe Stains said...

are you guys pawsitively melting over there too? I know we are and we have WAY less furs.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

You look so comfortable, we are going to take a nap now.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh you doggies look comfy I hope you rest well during the holidays

~ Girl girl

Hana said...

Looks like you two had a super labor day!! Why do they call it Labor Day? Shouldn't it be called Rest Day?

Urban Smoothie Read said...

seems like u guys r juz enjoying urself wit decent rest @ home..

i thought holidays as meant for adventure wit lotsa running around

Luckie Girl said...

Hey guys,
Did you get enough rest?? :) hee...

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Blue and Comet,
I hope u guys had a good rest!!

Casper and pals said...

Wakey wakey Comet and BLU. Time to get up now ;)

MJ's doghouse said...

that must have been hard work trying to find just the right resting spot...wow...i am sorry ..by the way...that your mom is trying to starve you to death..poor guys....