Monday, August 20, 2007

No pressies

What a rip off! The girl got home last night and didn't even bring us any presents! Can you believe it?

It was a little weird having her gone this time. The girl left on Wednesday afternoon, and Liz came by later that night. It was fun having Liz here. We like trying to see if we can distract Liz long enough for the alarm to go off. Hehehehe. She wasn't falling for that trick this time. She didn't even pet us when she came in the house. She went straight to the alarm and turned that off first. Then she sat down and pet us and gave us biscuits. We were worried that she would forget about our greenies, but she didn't. Liz stayed with us for two nights.

On the third night, the girl still didn't come home. Neither did Liz. :-(
Not to worry though, we weren't forgotten. Margaret came instead. She's not as much fun as Liz (we had to pace in front of the greenies because she would have forgotten them) but she was still very nice. Margaret stayed with us for 2 nights, and then the girl finally came home. Without gifts.

She even stayed home today. We thought she would take us to Petsmart to buy us treats. Nope. Instead she brushed us! How is that fair?


Lorenza said...

No presents???? Why???? I know there is a rule that says that the person who leaves you alone must bring you a present when gets back home! Talk to you girl about it!
Have a nice day

Urban Smoothie Read said...

no survenier is a total let down...tat's not fair..

Joe Stains said...

that is pretty cool that you have all these new people that feed you! I am sure its not as good as having your lady there, though.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

No fair, you 2 should get presents for being so good when your girl is not home

~ Girl girl

Hana said...

No presents? How unfair! You two are working guarding the house, and you get nothing for it. Next time your girl comes back with her black bag, don't even greet her at the door. Maybe that'll teach her a lesson.

I'm glad you guys didn't trip Liz this time.

Deanna said...

It's good to have her home, though, right?

Freda said...

Hey Comets and Blu,

I'm in the same floatin' box, no pressies, usually, when my peeps return from their travels, longs or shorts.

I lost my old Fredas sitter. She got reeeallys sick and had to move aways. Very sads. Next week my peeps are plannin' a day trips and are gonna try outs a new Freda sitter. Cooools! They're such an easys touch. Hee, hee.

At least you got your Greenies.
