Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Willow Wednesday

I made some new friends at the park. Look at all the fun kids to play with.
This little girl really liked me.

This man and his daughter liked me too.
I had fun running and skipping with this family.
I was so popular, even the pupparazzi needed to take my picture.


Kari in Alaska said...

those people don't look very fun to me...

White Dog Blog said...

I hope all of the people in Phoenix are not so stiff.

Duke said...

It looks like you had a great time meeting new friends, Willow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Florida Furkids said...

Those people need to loosen up!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

White Dog Blog said...

Is mom going to make something special from the Farmer's Market for Easter? Whatever it is I bet it will be yummy! Don't forget to leave a comment on Ben's blog! It is worth $1 toward animal rescue:

Amber-Mae said...

Those guys don't move much do they? hehe

Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Would Y'all like to join my band? I need Eskies for my sister's big ratting party coming up on the 9th.
Happy Easter!

Kim and Shar said...

You are so funny!!! Thanks for our Willow Wednesdays! We really look forward to it! Hope you are all well,


White Dog Blog said...

Could you help one more time, my friends? Only 4 days left! We need 140 more comments and we are running out of time!!!! Let's not fall short of the maximum $500 donation for animal rescue! One more time visit Ben at and leave the comment, "Ben You Rock! Send your friends. Come On!!!! We only have until April 10th to help this great cause! Do it for Ben…do it for Khyra…do it for all of the animals that will be helped!

Prints the Cat said...

Wow, I can't believe you have so many Willow photos! You should submit them to the Eskie Board for another round of "guess where Willow is" and see if people can figure it out (again)!