Friday, February 26, 2010


I had a terrible trip to the dentist today. Now I know why my girl hates going to the dentist so much.
At first, Comet was jealous of me because I got this cool bandana.
The dentist also gave me a bag of food and this fun looking gift bag.

But look what was inside.
Medicine! Three different pills.
And some yucky gel.
And a toothbrush!
That doesn't sound like a gift bag to me.
I had a problem with one of my teeth (see the pink arrow) and the dentist decided to pull it out. Now my mouth really really REALLY hurts. Did I say REALLY???  I have to take lots of pills for the pain and to stop infection.

Excuse me while I go back to sleep.


Teddy Bear said...

Oh, Blu, you are such a brave girl! I hope your pain goes away quickly! What a fun bag of goodies from your vet.:)

Teddy Bear

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh Blu,
We are so sorry you had to go to the dentist. I hope you are feeling better.
Another Eskie who has dentist visit in his future,

Lorenza said...

Now you know how my mom has been feeling all these days!
I am so sorry you had to endure that!
Take all your meds and you will be like new in no time!
Kisses and hugs

Kari in Alaska said...

oh no! I am sure you will feel better once you have a day or two to rest

Niamh said...

Poor BLU! That dental work sounds horrible. Hope that the pain meds do their job and you feel better soon. Maybe your girl will have to give you nice soft food, like ice cream, until your mouth gets better.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

White Dog Blog said...

Poor Blu! I hope your mouth is feeling better. We really missed you at the party. I sent you some delicious chicken jerky to share with Comet when you feel better! My new brother has bad teeth and needs dental work, too. But the vet said we should let him get settled into his new life first.

Duke said...

What a bummer, Blu! We hope you feel better soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch